Your twice spent matter continues to cycle
A pullulating fractal of iterative art
Changed by and changing
Holding in a moment
My unbecoming beauty.
A still form swarming with life unsung and unseen by the eyes of the above
Yet the eyes of below
The eyes of below know not where to look
So fecund the movement to articulation.
One must un-become in order to become
Is the deep whisper.
Slowly dismembering the safety of the known
Who are you?
I am not that was
Yet I am, I am
I am a microcosm of all that was
A universe of re- integration
Swarming with cosmological creativity.
The paradox of being I hold in my skin
As I dissolve you become
Imparting and taking
The dance of disintegration carrying us
Forever emerging and receding
Until the slightness of my form reveals your potency
This generative chaos is your in breath and my out breath
Your bloom makes evident my variegated rot
We are wholes and parts in an absolute sense.
Artist Statement
“There is no such thing as dead matter, lifelessness is only a disguise behind which hide unknown forms of life’.
Bruno Shultz
This piece is an exploration into the dynamic between decay and growth, disintegration and reintegration; fractals of micro/macro.
These silks were wrapped with leaves around bones and rusted metal, buried in the compost and left to both decay and develop. In decay, they return to the macrocosm as fertile humus. Yet simultaneously reconstructed by the bundled botanical, mineral and animal matter, and surrounding microbial life.

My work is deeply process driven, evanescent, and iterative. This living installation invites a dialogue with the dance of disintegration, the existential constructs it speaks to and perchance to witness beauty unbecoming.